NighttrainsAnimal Aided DesignMothHuntersTintenweltField Recording 7/30/2024
🐠 Fischklingel
🐒 Jane Goodall
🗽 Inselwelt New York
🦊 Stadtfuchs
🦆 Bird People Of Nordland
🔥 Waldbrand Dub
Fish Migration90s BirthdayNYCgrim104Dark ThroneEcoDub 3/10/2024
SoilmapBrache BahnhofBotenstoffCargo BikeFlacoWisdom 1/20/2024
Pt52 - Wisdom
🎧 Vogelgezwitscher
🎥 Vogel-Dokus
🍿 The Big Year
🎸 Der letzte Kranich
🌊 Wisdom
⚓ Rime of the ancient mariner
Vogel-PodcastVogel-DokusBig YearTocotronicAlbatross 11/25/2023
Pt51 - Endling
GartenplanerEndlingJohn OliverMagazin RoyaleEulensong 10/3/2023
Pt50 - Wasserkampf
🌡 Klimatischer Zwilling
🧴 Plastic World
💧 Kampf ums Wasser
🏡 Conservation Gardening
🎤 People under the stairs
🦁 Live Stream Namibia
Climate ShiftPlastik KunstWasserConservation GardeningUrban Heat Wave 7/23/2023
Pt49 - Traffication
BikepackingBumble-BeesDave GoulsonBob VylanDrag Queen 5/21/2023
Pt48 - Atomstrom
HerbarienBumble-BeesJan HaftF*cking AngryMinistry of the Future 3/10/2023
Pt47 - Birdbeats
ExtinctionmapPunkrock Vegan MovieGartenschläferBirdbeatsFlacoEule Kita 1/20/2023
Pt46 - Dambusters
RaindropsStaudammBiberWildnisSchulbusFahrradkäfig 12/4/2022
Pt45 - Zugvögel
Kākāpō ComicsMigratory BirdsNagalandNaturfreundeBeds are burningSnoop Dogg 10/22/2022
Pt44 - Poop Kit
RenewablesProtestDefecationBoard gameTaktlossInsektensterben 9/5/2022
Pt43 - Nosferatu
PromibomberUmsteigenVerkehrswendePandemieNewsletter 7/17/2022
Pt42 - Käferzähler
KinoAhrParkourFeuerAlex Tomlinson 6/17/2022
Pt41 - Only 4 degrees
CargoTramsPermakulturGartendokuAnohni 5/8/2022
Pt40 - No Mow May
NoMowMayCrime Pays Botany Doesn'tFranziska TannenbergerPeter SchlacksBesenwagen 4/17/2022
Pt39 - Food Waste
To good to goFARCAligatoahCitizen ConservationSolarpunk 3/11/2022
Pt38 - Scary Aviary
AI ArtBirders ParadiseCarsonZADVermeisung 2/6/2022
Pt37 - Necrobiom
MuseumsAasWildereiBanjo FoxCostumes 1/2/2022
Pt36 - Tree washing
BeuysCharlotte GainsbourgMagieTree washingNetflix 12/5/2021
Pt35 - Wombutt
WildbienenBee QueenGZAEiszeitWombat 10/31/2021
Pt34 - Einemsen
WalrusSharksBirdingLinval ThompsonAnting 10/3/2021
Pt33 - Vogelschlag-Architektur
StreetmixJan KamenskyAnthropocentric ArchitectureStonerMars 9/5/2021
Pt32 - Paleoplushie
PixelsaurusPaleo PolderWissenschafts-IllustrationNeanderthalerStofftiere 8/1/2021
Pt31 - Metal Birds
Andy ThomasBirdfriendlyNazi NamenRote ListeMetal Singers 7/4/2021
Pt30 - Sensen
Cycle TravelFreightersJung & NaivReturn of the ScytheAnthropause 5/30/2021
Pt29 - Garteln
BalkonGuerilla GardeningRootedGartendokusSilvertones 5/2/2021
Pt28 - Fischstäbchen
DogtownOctopus OscarSeaspiracyChinese Fish PiratesKäpt’n Iglo 3/21/2021
Pt27 - Frosch
Climate FontLuc HoffmannMarc Beneckegrim104Goose Moose 2/21/2021
Pt26 - Catios
UrwaldriesenGuardians of EarthCatrunsOwls of the eastern iceKohle Alaaf 1/30/2021
Pt25 - Solarpunk
No meat todayIngo ArndtPaul StametsPupajimSolarpunk 12/30/2020
Pt24 - Neokolonialismus
NGO DokusAußerirdische WeltenParamilitärsStorlBeleidigungen 11/22/2020
Pt23 - The Seed
Flora IncognitoBotany doesn't payRieger-HofmannAuroraRussian Cyberpunk 10/23/2020
Pt22 - Bird Attack
VernissageSpieleabendDon GiardinoFrenzal RhombBeachcomb 9/21/2020
Pt21 - Trees and refugees
Radio FeatureWald statt AsphaltEco-FascismPodcastDavid Attenborough Fashion 8/29/2020
Pt20 - Opensource-Rakete
Insekten HipsterHeimatfilmAnother PlanetShortfilmWu-Tang Marienkäfer 7/26/2020
Pt19 - Kükenflut
GretaGenuaSturmflutTripHopGleisbett 6/20/2020
Pt18 - Krautschau
UnkrautBlack Birders WeekGhetto Guerilla GardeningIndustrialHummustoilette 5/17/2020
Pt17 - Großstadtdschungel
VogelrätselUrban EvolutionGrüne FassadePlastic pollutionSave the fish 4/12/2020
Pt16 - Kadaver
Kadaver-CamSelbstversorgenNovel EcosystemsMaskenpflichtWortkunde 3/22/2020
Pt15 - Home-Office
Film FestivalErnst Paul DörflerTejoGo veganStay at home 2/29/2020
Pt14 - Bakong
Chasing Climate CrisisClimate PanicPolo shirtMeyah DonMrs Chippy 1/19/2020
Pt13 - Gabbers
AppMass extinctionHainburgNetflix consultingTanzen 12/15/2019
Pt12 - Buhaj
Lost EmberBruxelles sauvageFoldscopeInox KapellBuhaj 11/16/2019
Pt11 - Ornithoplanes
RoadkillWasserbüffelVegetal cityThe HunterSitspot 10/6/2019
Pt10 - Weed in the woods
Thunder & LightningDrug war in the woodsDeath MetalWolterDürer 9/8/2019
Pt9 - Vegetationsmanagement
environ-mateThink TankForest LossTurquoiseMammatus 8/18/2019
Pt8 - Permafrost
PermafrostAlaskaCollapseofcivilizationWall of deathWimmelbild 7/14/2019
Pt7 - Blue Heart
Blue heartChinaGarzweilerErrol DunkleyPottwal 6/9/2019
Pt6 - Mensch vs Natur
👪 Bevölkerungsentwicklung
🌏 Flaschenhals- und Half-Earth Theorie
🐦 Human Wildlife Conflict
🎎 Netflix Consulting
📖 Trivia
GeburtenrateFlaschenhalsVakuumsaugerSummer WarsVandalia 5/12/2019
Pt5 - Rewild Europe
RewildKlimawandelEuropawahlMülheim AsozialWeisheit 4/14/2019
Pt4 - Population
Human PopulationAnimal PopulationFotofalleRancidSchleich 3/10/2019
Pt3 - Skyroad
RoadtripKlimawandelAutoschreckKeith FlintRüdiger 2/16/2019
Pt2 - Megafauna
NachtzugMammutsSoundsystemsAlphasteppaPassepartout 1/20/2019